李雄波1,3,符 怡2#,王相甫1,李 婷1,3,卢付青1,3,蒋四强1,3,范智义1,3,李 恒1,3,4,邓维琴1,3*
摘要:为探究四川晒露酱油的风味感官特征,该研究以32种四川晒露酱油为研究对象。通过感官描述分析构建了四川晒露酱油风味轮,其中包含味觉和嗅觉两个维度,共计55个具体描述语。进一步采用几何平均值(M 值)法结合多元统计方法,筛选出四川晒露酱油的主要描述语,包括9个味觉描述语(咸味、鲜味、酸味、甜味、苦味、醇厚、柔和、回甘、涩味)和12个嗅觉描述语(酱香、豉香、烟熏味、焦糖味、酸香、蜂蜜香、麦芽香、熟土豆香、水果香、坚果香、乙醇味、中草药味)。利用这些描述词对四川晒露酱油进行感官定量描述分析,能较好区分不同等级四川晒露酱油的风味感官特征差异,表明可以表征四川晒露酱油的基本感官特征。
中图分类号:TS264.21 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-506X(2024)06-0092-0008
Construction and Application of Sensory Flavor Wheel for Sichuan Traditional Soy Sauce
LI Xiongbo1,3,FU Yi2#,WANG Xiangfu1,LI Ting1,3,LU Fuqing 1,3,JIANG Siqiang1,3,
FAN Zhiyi1,3,LI Heng1,3,4,DENG Weiqin1,3*
(1.Sichuan Food and Fermentation Industry Research & Design Institute Co.,Ltd.,Chengdu 611130,China;2.Hejiang Xianshi Food Brewing Co.,Ltd.,Luzhou 646204,China;3.Food Microbiology Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province,Chengdu 611130,China;4.Sichuan Zhenxing Industrial Technology Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Chengdu 610023,China)
Abstract:This study aims to investigate the flavor sensory characteristics of Sichuan traditional soy sauce. 32 varieties of Sichuan traditional soy sauce was selected as research object. A flavor wheel for Sichuan traditional soy sauce was constructed through sensory descriptive analysis,encompassing two dimensions of taste and smell and a total of 55 specific descriptors. By further utilizing the geometric mean (M value) method combined with multivariate statistical techniques, the key descriptors of Sichuan traditional soy sauce were screened, including 9 taste descriptors (saltiness,umami,acidity,sweetness,bitterness,mellowness,mildness,sweet aftertaste and astringency) and 12 smell descriptors (soy sauce aroma, douchi aroma, smoky aroma, caramel aroma, sour aroma, honey aroma, malt aroma, cooked potato aroma, fruity aroma, nutty aroma, ethanol aroma, and herbal medicine aroma) . Using these descriptors for sensory quantitative descriptive analysis of Sichuan traditional soy sauce, one could effectively distinguish the differences in flavor sensory characteristics among different grades of Sichuan traditional soy sauce, indicating that they can describe the basic sensory characteristics of Sichuan traditional soy sauce.
Keywords:Sichuan traditional soy sauce;sensory evaluation;flavor wheel;quantitative descriptive analysis