
1,田 1,王晓宇2,吴文燕1,蒋景竹1,冯丹丹1,石媛媛1,胡萍1

1.贵州大学酿酒与食品工程学院,贵州贵阳 5500252.贵州大学生命科学学院,贵州贵阳 550025

摘要:苗族传统米酸汤是以糯米或籼米为基质经自然发酵而成。为丰富米酸汤产品,明确多菌系复合发酵对米酸汤发酵生产的实际应用价值及米酸汤风味特征。本文以传统自然发酵的米酸汤(A)为对照、采用多菌系复合发酵不同基质米酸汤(红米酸汤-B、紫米酸汤-C、糯米酸汤-D、白米酸汤-E)为研究对象,利用气相色谱-离子迁移谱(Gas chromatography-ion mobility spectroscopyGC-IMS)技术分析不同基质发酵米酸汤差异特征风味物质。结果表明:与传统自然发酵的米酸汤相比,糯米酸汤含有相对含量较高的乙酸乙酯,红米酸汤、紫米酸汤含有相对含量较高的乙酸丙酯,且经多菌系复合发酵后的红米酸汤、糯米酸汤、白米酸汤中贡献较大的主体风味物质种类皆比传统自然发酵的米酸汤丰富。采用正交偏最小二乘判别分析筛选出 18 种特征标志物 (VIP1)(Variable Importance for the ProjectionVIP),通过热图聚类区分不同米酸汤样品的特征挥发性风味化合物,其中传统自然发酵的米酸汤以丁酸丙酯、丁酸丁酯、2-甲基丙酸乙酯等为特征风味物质,具有独特的菠萝果香味;红米酸汤以罗勒烯、柠檬烯-M、丙酸、乙酸丙酯等为特征风味物质,具有独特的柠檬与丁香香味;紫米酸汤以乙酸异丙酯、乙酸异丁酯、3-甲基丁醛、乙酸丙酯等为特征风味物质,具有独特的苹果样果香味;糯米酸汤以乙醇、乙酸乙酯等为特征风味物质,具有独特的米酒型香味;白米酸汤无特征标志物,但酸类物质较多,具独特的酸感。研究结果表明利用多菌系复合发酵米酸汤,具有改善并丰富米酸汤风味品质的显著优势,通过本实验还确定了不同基质发酵米酸汤的特征风味物质,为丰富米酸汤产品提供科学支撑。


中图分类号:TS201.3O657.63  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1674-506X202201-0072-0009

Study on Flavor Characteristics of Multi-bacterial System Composite Fermented Special Rice Sour Soup Based on GC-IMS Technology

LI Juan1, TIAN Ya1, WANG Xiao-yu2, WU Wen-yan1, JIANG Jing-zhu1, FENG Dan-dan1, SHI Yuan-yuan 1, HU Ping1*

1.School of Liquor and Food Engineering, Guizhou University, Guiyang Guizhou 550025, China;

2.College of Life Sciences, Guizhou University, Guiyang Guizhou 550025, China

AbstractThe traditional rice and sour soup of Miao nationality is made of glutinous rice or indica rice by natural fermentation,In order to enrich the rice sour soup products, To clarify the practical application value of multi-bacteria compound fermentation mixed bacteria in the fermentation production of rice sour soup and the flavor characteristics of rice sour soup. In this paper, traditional naturally fermented rice sour soup (A) was used as the control, and the rice sour soup fermented by multi- bacterial system with different substrates (red rice sour soup-B,purple rice sour soup-C, sticky rice sour soup-D, white rice sour soup-E) were used as the research object. The different flavor substances of rice sour soup fermented on different substrates were analyzed by gas chromatography ion mobility spectroscopy (GC-IMS). The results show that compared with the traditional natural fermentation of rice sour soup, rice soup contains higher relative content of acetic acid ethyl ester, acid red rice soup, purple rice sour soup contains higher relative content of propyl acetate, and the red rice sour soup, glutinous rice sour soup and white rice sour soup fermented by multi-bacterial system are richer in the main flavor substances than the traditional naturally fermented rice sour soup. Orthogonal partial leastsquares discriminant analysis of characteristics of 18 kinds of markers (VIP) >1 (Variable Importance for the Projection, VIP), through the heat map clustering to distinguish the various meters sour soup sample characteristics of volatile flavor compounds,  Among them, traditional naturally fermented rice acid soup with propyl butyrate, butyl butyrate, 2-methyl ethyl propionate as the characteristic flavor substances, has a unique pineapple fruit flavor; Red rice acid soup is characterized by rolene, limonene-M, propionic acid, propyl acetate and other flavor substances, with a unique flavor of lemon and clove. Purple rice acid soup with isopropyl acetate, isobutyl acetate, 3- methyl butyl aldehyde, propyl acetate as the characteristic flavor substances, with a unique apple-like fruit flavor; Glutinous rice sour soup is characterized by ethanol, ethyl acetate and other flavor substances, which has a unique rice wine flavor. White rice acid soup has no characteristic markers, but there are more acids, with a unique sense of acid. The research results show that the use of multi-bacteria complex fermented rice sour soup has a significant advantage in improving and enriching the flavor quality of rice sour soup. Through this experiment, the characteristic flavor substances of rice sour soup fermented with different substrates have also been determined, which can provide a basis for enriching rice sour soup products. scientific support.

Keywordscompound fermentation; rice-acid; chromatography-ion mobility spectroscopy; characteristic flavor










  • 双月刊

  • 四川省经济和信息化厅

  • 四川省食品发酵工业研究设计院有限公司

  • 《食品与发酵科技》编辑部

  • 四川省成都市温江区杨柳东路中段98号

  • 611130

  • 028-82763572

  • ISSN1674-506X

  • CN51-1713/TS

  • 62-247