

(四川农业大学食品学院,四川雅安 625000

摘要:本实验以全脂牛奶为原料,探究低乳糖高益生菌乳粉的制备工艺,考察水解温度、pH、时间和乳糖酶添加量对水解率的影响。同时通过海藻酸钠-大豆分离蛋白复配壁材微胶囊包埋益生菌,各自制备完成后分别真空冷冻干燥低乳糖牛乳和益生菌微胶囊,干燥结束将低乳糖乳粉与益生菌微胶囊粉按质量比7∶1的比例混合制得低乳糖益生菌乳粉。结果表明,牛乳中乳糖水解的最佳条件为:乳糖酶添加量0.65%、温度40℃pH值为7.0、水解时间2 h,在此条件下乳糖水解率为72.48%;同时通过复配壁材微胶囊包埋益生菌,复配最佳条件为:海藻酸钠用量2.0 g/100 mL,大豆分离蛋白用量2.0 g/100 mL,氯化钙溶液浓度1%,在此条件下益生菌包埋率可达89.7%;低乳糖益生菌牛乳经冷冻干燥后,产品中活菌数可达1.5×108CFU/g。低乳糖益生菌乳粉冲调性良好,益生菌微胶囊颗粒饱满,入口滑糯,所得产品具有缓解乳糖不耐受症,调节肠道菌群平衡等功效。


中图分类号:TS252.51    文献标识码:A    文章编号:1674-506X202201-0107-0008

Preparation Technology of Low Lactose Probiotic Milk Powder 

LIU Jie, LI Shun-fa, SHEN Zheng-yuan, LIU Tong-yao, TANG Hai-lin, AO Xiao-lin*, LIU Shu-liang

College of Food Science, Sichuan Agricultural University, Ya’an Sichuan 625000, China

AbstractIn this experiment, whole milk was used as raw material to explore the preparation process of low lactose and high probiotic milk powder, and the effects of hydrolysis temperature, pH, time and addition amount of lactase on hydrolysis rate were investigated. At the same time, probiotics were encapsulated by sodium alginate-soy protein isolate compound wall material microcapsules. After their preparation, low-lactose milk and probiotics microcapsules were vacuum-freeze-dried respectively. At the end of drying, low-lactose milk powder was mixed with probiotics microcapsule powder at a mass ratio of 7∶1 to prepare low-lactose probiotics milk powder. The results showed that the optimal conditions of lactose hydrolysis in milk were as follows: lactose content 0.65%, temperature 40 ℃, pH 7.0, hydrolysis time 2 h, the lactose hydrolysis rate was 72.48%. At the same time, the probiotics were encapsulated by the compound wall material. The optimal compound conditions were as follows: the dosage of sodium alginate was 2.0 g/100 mL, the dosage of soybean protein isolate was 2.0 g/100 mL, and the concentration of calcium chloride was 1% . Under these conditions, the embedding rate of probiotics could reach 89.7%. After freeze-drying, lactose-low probiotics milk could contain 1.5×108 CFU/g of viable bacteria. Lactose low probiotics milk powder has good tonality, full probiotics microcapsule particles, smooth and glutinous in mouth, and the product has the effects of relieving lactose intolerance, regulating intestinal flora balance and so on.

Keywordslow lactose; microcapsule; probiotics; milk powder; freeze drying









  • 双月刊

  • 四川省经济和信息化厅

  • 四川省食品发酵工业研究设计院有限公司

  • 《食品与发酵科技》编辑部

  • 四川省成都市温江区杨柳东路中段98号

  • 611130

  • 028-82763572

  • ISSN1674-506X

  • CN51-1713/TS

  • 62-247