魏玉梅1,哈斯其美格1*,刘 华2
(1.西北民族大学实验教学部,甘肃兰州 730030;
2.西北民族大学数学与计算机学院,甘肃兰州 730030)
摘要:以马铃薯渣为原料,采用高峰а-淀粉酶和木瓜蛋白酶为混合酶,以还原糖浓度及游离氨基氮浓度为评价指标,在作用时间、酶量、温度等单因素实验基础上,采用Box-Behnken响应面分析法优化提取马铃薯渣膳食纤维的最优条件,并对膳食纤维的基本特性进行测定。结果表明:作用时间80 min,加酶量1.37 mL,温度64 ℃,在此最优条件下淀粉酶解后还原糖浓度为1.39 μg/mL、蛋白质酶解游离氨基氮浓度0.910 μg/mL,制得的马铃薯渣膳食纤维其膨胀力3.81 mL/g、持水率3.71 g/g、持油率1.28 g/g。
中图分类号:TS215 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-506X(2020)02-0033-0007
Response Surface Methodology Optimize the Extraction of the Dietary Fiber from Potato Residue by Double-Enzymatic Method
WEI Yu-mei1, HA Si-qimeige1*, LIU Hua2
(1.Experimental Education Department of Northwest Minzu University, Lanzhou Gansu 730030, China;
2.Mathematics and Computer College of Northwest Minzu University, Lanzhou Gansu 730030, China)
Abstract:The main purpose of this study was to optimize the extraction conditions of dietary fiber from potato residue using the Box-Behnken response surface analysis, and measure the basic characteristics of the dietary fiber. On the basis of single factor experiment of the action time, enzyme quantity and temperature, the concentration of reducing sugar and the concentration of free amino nitrogen were used as the evaluation indexes, the enzyme mixture of α-amylase and proteinase was employed to produce dietary fiber from potato residue. The optimum extraction conditions are defined as follows: action time is 80 min, enzyme quantity is 1.37 mL and temperature is 64 ℃. Under the optimal conditions, the concentration of reducing sugar could reach 1.39 μg/mL and the concentration of free amino nitrogen reach to 0.910 μg/mL after enzymolysis. And the dilatation force, water retention and oil retention of the potato residue dietary fiber is 3.81 mL/g, 3.71 g/g and 1.28 g/g respectively.
Keywords:potato residue; response surface methodology; dietary fiber; α-amylase; proteinase