(桂林医学院 药学院,广西桂林 541004)
摘要:以罗汉果与夏枯草为主,辅以甘草、淡竹叶、山银花和野菊花研制罗汉果复合饮料。以感官评分为指标,采用单因素试验和正交试验优选罗汉果复合饮料的最佳配方。结果表明:罗汉果复合饮料最佳配方为罗汉果:夏枯草:甘草:淡竹叶:山银花:野菊花的质量比为53.1∶26.5∶3.6∶3.2∶1.2∶1,料液比为1∶55.3 g/mL,ε-聚赖氨酸盐酸盐的浓度为150 mg/L。采用该配方生产的罗汉果复合饮料呈黄棕色,澄清透明,风味浓郁,口感清甜。
中图分类号:TS275 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-506X(2020)02-0057-0007
Preparation of Compound Beverage of Siraitiae Fructus and Prunella Vulgaris
WEI Cui-sha, ZHANG Rui-rui, LIU Ya-nan, WANG Jing-jing, LIN Jia-xun, XU You-rui*
(College of pharmacy, Guilin Medical University, Guilin Guangxi 541004, China)
Abstract:A compound beverage was developed with six Chinese herbs including siraitia fructus, prunella vulgaris, licorice, lophatherum gracile, lonicerae flos and wild chrysanthemum as raw materials. Through the single factor test and orthogonal test, the sensory score was used as the index to determine the best formula of compound beverage. The results show that the best formula was siraitia fructus, prunella vulgaris, licorice, lophatherum gracile, lonicerae flos and wild chrysanthemum with a mass ratio of 53.1∶26.5∶3.6∶3.2∶1.2∶1, and the ratio of material to liquid is 1∶55.3 g/mL. The concentration of ε-polylysine hydrochloride was 150 mg/mL. The compound beverage prepared according to this formula is yellow-brown, clear and transparent with sweet taste and strong flavor.
Keywords:siraitiae fructus; prunella vulgaris; compound beverage