

(成都文理学院,四川成都 610401

摘要:A高校学生的膳食营养结构的实际特征进行分析,并判断其与体质之间的关系。通过分层随机抽样的方法,自A高校各个专业学生中选取400名学生作为对象,根据《中国居民平衡膳食宝塔》进行膳食营养结构、体质情况以及新版指南知晓情况进行问卷调查。结果表明:A高校学生表现出明显的水果类、鱼虾类、奶类摄入严重不足,蔬菜类、豆类摄入量处于标准下限,畜禽肉类、蛋类、油脂超标的膳食特点。根据《国家学生体质健康标准》,A 高校学生身体柔韧性、运动耐力均较差,BMI 50 m 短跑、800 m 长跑表现为正相关性,与立定跳远、仰卧起坐表现为负相关性(P0.05P0.01)。膳食知识知晓情况调查总分为(6.03±1.58)分。Pearson 相关性分析,畜禽肉类、蛋类、油脂与50 m短跑存在相关性,豆类与800 m长跑存在相关性(P0.01);膳食营养结构中蔬菜类、水果类、畜禽肉类、蛋类、鱼虾类、豆类、油脂、水与BMI存在相关性(P0.01);膳食营养结构各类与膳食知识总分存在相关性(P0.05)。


中图分类号:R151   文献标识码:A   文章编号:1674-506X201905-0063-0006

Study on the Relationship Between the Characteristics of Dietary Nutrition Structure and the Constitution of College Students

LIU Yuan-yuan

Chengdu College of Arts and Sciences, Chengdu Sichuan 610401, China

AbstractThe actual characteristics of dietary nutrition structure of college A students were analyzed and the relationship between the structure and physical fitness were judged. 400 students from various majors in A university were selected as the subjects by stratified random sampling method. According to the “Chinese people’s balanced diet pagoda”, the dietary nutrition structure, physical condition and awareness of the new version of the guidelines were investigated by questionnaire. Results showed that A college students showed the obvious dietary characteristics of insufficient intake of fruits, fish and shrimp, milk, vegetables and legumes in the lower limit of the standard, and excessive intake of meat, eggs and oil of animals. According to the national standards for students’ physical health, the physical flexibility and sports endurance of college a students are poor, BMI is positively correlated with the performance of 50 m sprint and 800 m long run, and negatively correlated with the performance of standing long jump and sit up (P<0.05, P<0.01). The total score of dietary knowledge was (6.03 ± 1.58). Pearson correlation analysis showed that there was a correlation between meat, eggs, oil and 50 m, between beans and 800 m (P<0.01); there was a correlation between vegetables, fruits, animals, meat, eggs, fish and shrimp,beans, oil, water and BMI in the dietary nutrition structure (P0.01); there was a correlation between various types of dietary nutrition structure and the total score of dietary knowledge (P0.05).

Keywordscollege students; dietary and nutritional structure; constitution; relationship








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  • 四川省成都市温江区杨柳东路中段98号

  • 611130

  • 028-82763572

  • ISSN1674-506X

  • CN51-1713/TS

  • 62-247