陈怡岑1,何 欢1*,徐 波2,殷晓明3,孟 刚3,刘 笑4,高 虹2
(1.沈阳市现代农业研发服务中心 粮油食品研究所,辽宁沈阳 110025;
2.沈阳市现代农业研发服务中心 沈阳市粮油检验监测所,辽宁沈阳 110025;
3.新民市市场监管事务服务与行政执法中心,辽宁新民 110300;
4.辽宁省检验检测认证中心,辽宁沈阳 110025)
摘要:以黑枸杞粉、膨化杂粮粉(大米、玉米、红小豆、小米和高粱米)、低筋面粉为原料,生产杂粮饼干,探讨杂粮饼干的生产工艺、营养指标参数与品质指标参数的相关性。通过单因素试验和正交试验,确定杂粮饼干的原料配比、烘烤条件参数以及营养指标与品质指标因子间的回归方程。结果表明:杂粮饼干最佳配方为黑枸杞粉15 g,膨化杂粮粉40 g,低筋面粉40 g,黄油75 g;辅料:糖粉14 g,奶粉15 g,熟蛋黄2枚,盐0.5 g;最佳烤制条件为:烤制时间29 min,烤制温度140 ℃;杂粮饼干的过氧化值与其水分和粗蛋白含量呈显著性双侧正相关,相关系数分别为0.792和0.757,回归分析表明,酸价和过氧化值对含油饼干的食用品质影响较大,可以通过杂粮饼干营养指标参数与品质指标参数,建立方程并对其品质进行预测,节省时间,方便试验。
中图分类号:TS213.22 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-506X(2020)04-0018-0008
Development of Black Wolfberry Miscellaneous Grain Biscuit
CHEN Yi-cen1, HE Huan1*, XU Bo2, YIN Xiao-ming3, MENG Gang3, LIU Xiao4, GAO Hong2
(1.Shenyang Modern Agriculture Research and Development Service Center Grain, Oil and Food Research Institute, Shenyang Liaoning 110025, China;
2.Shenyang Modern Agriculture Research and Development Service Center Grain, Shenyang Grain and Oil Inspection and
Monitoring Institute, Shenyang Liaoning 110025, China;
3.Xinmin Market Supervision Service and Administrative Law Enforcement Center, Xinmin Liaoning 110300, China;
4.Liaoning Inspection, Examination & Certification Centre, Shenyang Liaoning 110025, China)
Absrtact:Using black wolfberry powder, extruded cereal powder (rice, corn, red bean, millet and sorghum) and low gluten flour as raw materials to produce cereal biscuits, the correlation between production technology, nutritional parameters and quality parameters of cereal biscuits was discussed. Through single factor experiment and orthogonal experiment, the raw material ratio, baking condition parameters and regression equation between nutrition index and quality index factors of miscellaneous grain biscuits were determined. The results showed that the optimum formula of miscellaneous grain biscuits:black wolfberry powder was 15 g, expanded miscellaneous grain powder was 40 g, low gluten flour was 60 g and butter was 75 g, supplementary materials: sugar powder was 14 g, milk powder was 15 g, cooked egg yolks were 2 pieces and salt was 0.5 g, the optimum baking conditions were as follows:baking time for 29min, baking temperature at 140 ℃, the superoxide value of miscellaneous grain biscuits was significant with its moisture and crude protein content. The correlation coefficients were 0.792 and 0.757,respectively. Regression analysis showed that acid value and peroxide value had great influence on the quality of oily biscuits. Equations could be established to predict the quality of biscuits through the nutritional and quality parameters of biscuits.
Keywords:black wolfberry; miscellaneous grain; formula; biscuit; relevance