
1,牛宏亮1,杨金部1,金 1,袁 1,张永显1,田 1*,马忠仁2,丁功涛2

1.甘肃省轻工研究院有限责任公司,甘肃兰州 730000

2.西北民族大学生物医学研究中心 中国-马来西亚国家联合实验室,甘肃兰州 730030

摘要:苯并芘是多环芳香烃类中致癌性最强的一种,研究发现油籽在晾晒和加工过程中容易产生,其带来的食品安全隐患已引起人们的广泛重视。本文主要研究亚麻籽、紫苏籽和葵花籽三种油籽在沥青路面进行晾晒及冷榨和热榨提取方法下油脂中苯并芘含量的变化。实验结果表明:在沥青路面晾晒时间越久,苯并芘含量越高;且热榨过程产生的苯并芘含量远高于冷榨过程,主要是由于在高温烘炒中破坏油料细胞,导致蛋白质变性而产生较多的致癌物质苯并芘。三种油料中苯并芘含量的变化为温度越高苯并芘越容易生成,但是在热榨过程达到沸点时,苯并芘极易吸附油烟,导致油料中苯并芘含量下降;然而在220 ℃以上热榨时,油脂中苯并芘含量更高。


中图分类号:TS225.1   文献标识码:A   文章编号:1674-506X202004-0026-0006

Study on the Change of Benzopyrene Content in Different Oilseed Production Processes

ZHAO Liang1, NIU Hong-liang1, YANG Jin-bu1, JIN Ming1, YUAN Hui1, ZHANG Yong-xian1, TIAN XIU1*, MA Zhong-ren2, DING Gong-tao2

1.Gansu Research Institute of Light Industry Co., Ltd., Lanzhou Gansu 730000, China;

2.China-Malaysia National Joint Laboratory, Biomedical Research Center, Northwest Minzu University, Lanzhou Gansu 730030, China

AbstractBenzopyrene is one of the most carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. It has been found that oilseeds are easy to be produced in the process of drying and processing. The potential food safety hazards caused by benzopyrene have attracted extensive attention. In this paper, the changes of benzopyrene content in oils and fats extracted from flaxseed, perilla seed and sunflower seed by air drying, cold pressing and hot pressing on asphalt pavement were studied. The experimental results show that the longer the asphalt pavement is aired, the higher the content of benzopyrene; and the content of benzopyrene produced by hot pressing is much higher than that produced by cold pressing, mainly due to the destruction of oil cells in high temperature baking, resulting in protein denaturation and more carcinogenic substance benzopyrene. The change of benzopyrene content in three oils is that the higher the temperature is,the easier the formation of benzopyrene.But when the hot pressing process reaches the boiling point, benzopyrene is very easy to absorb oil fume, which results in the decrease of benzopyrene content in oils. However, when the temperature is above 220 ℃, the content of benzopyrene in oils is higher.

Keywordsvegetable oil; benzopyrene; airing; hot pressed; cold pressed










  • 双月刊

  • 四川省经济和信息化厅

  • 四川省食品发酵工业研究设计院有限公司

  • 《食品与发酵科技》编辑部

  • 四川省成都市温江区杨柳东路中段98号

  • 611130

  • 028-82763572

  • ISSN1674-506X

  • CN51-1713/TS

  • 62-247