
张中兴,唐 雯,许 蕊,李胜利

(沧州医学高等专科学校,河北沧州 061001

摘要:采用不同烘烤温度和烘烤时间制作普通蛋糕,以研究蛋糕中丙烯酰胺的产生条件,并在蛋糕中加入不同量的全豆豆浆来探讨其对蛋糕中丙烯酰胺产生量的影响。结果显示,当烘烤温度等于或高于190 ℃时,普通蛋糕中才会产生丙烯酰胺,并有随着温度升高而产生量升高的趋势。在烘烤温度超过190 ℃时,在蛋糕中添加不同剂量的全豆豆浆后,丙烯酰胺的产生量均有大幅度下降。因此,采用相对低温,适当延长烘焙时间的加工方式来生产蛋糕,在丙烯酰胺方面是比较安全的。如果需要对蛋糕类产品进行高温烘焙,在生产过程中加入全豆豆浆能有效降低或消除丙烯酰胺的产生。


中图分类号:TS213.23   文献标识码:A   文章编号:1674-506X202004-0036-0004

Study on the Production Temperature of Acrylamide in Cake and the Effect of Whole Soybean Milk on It

ZHANG Zhong-xing, TANG Wen, XU Rui, LI Sheng-li

Cangzhou Medical College, Cangzhou Hebei 061001, China

AbstractCommon cakes were made with different baking temperatures and baking times to study the production conditions of acrylamide in the cake, and different amounts of whole soybean milk were added to the cake to explore its effect on the production of acrylamide in the cake. The results show that when the baking temperature is equal to or higher than 190 ℃, acrylamide will be produced in ordinary cakes, and the amount will increase with increasing temperature. When the baking temperature exceeds 190 ℃, the amount of acrylamide produced after the addition of whole soybean milk in different doses to the cake decreases significantly. Therefore, in terms of acrylamide, it is safe to adopt a relatively low temperature and appropriately extend the baking time to produce cakes. If you need to bake cake products at high temperature, adding whole soybean milk in the production process can effectively reduce or eliminate the production of acrylamide.

Keywordscake; whole soybean milk; acrylamide; baking temperature









  • 双月刊

  • 四川省经济和信息化厅

  • 四川省食品发酵工业研究设计院有限公司

  • 《食品与发酵科技》编辑部

  • 四川省成都市温江区杨柳东路中段98号

  • 611130

  • 028-82763572

  • ISSN1674-506X

  • CN51-1713/TS

  • 62-247