
1,黄 1,邓 1,龙锦鹏1,卢付青1,游敬刚1,刘林林2,王志新3,杨小平3,徐翠桦4

1.四川省食品发酵工业研究设计院,四川温江 611130

2.成都中医药大学,四川温江 611130

3.中金辐照成都有限公司,四川彭州 611930

4.上海昊岳食品科技有限公司,上海 201599

摘要:将辐照剂量、稀奶油添加量和酸奶香精添加量作为单因素对象,分别处理进行常温酸奶生产,通过感官评定和乳酸菌数目对结果进行判定,再使用响应面分析法得到的最佳配方并进行验证试验,判定本研究的可行性。最后得出最佳配方工艺为:辐照剂量4 kGy,稀奶油添加量为8‰,酸奶香精添加量为0.02‰。且按最佳配方生产的常温酸奶可以达到45 d保质期的要求,产品的微生物和理化指标结果均符合国家标准,产品口感良好。


中图分类号:TS252.54   文献标识码:A   文章编号:1674-506X202005-0041-0008

Irradiation Sterilization Technology Applied to the Normal Temperature Yogurt Production

LUO Dan1HUANG Jing1DENG Kai1LONG Jin-peng1LU Fu-qing1, YOU Jing-gang1, LIU Lin-lin2, WANG Zhi-xin3, YANG Xiao-ping3, XU Cui-hua4

1.Sichuan Food and Fermentation Industries Research & Desing Institute, Wenjiang Sichuan 611130, China;2.Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wenjiang Sichuan 611130, China;

3.Zhongjin Irradiation Chengdu Co., Ltd., Pengzhou Sichuan 611930, China;

4.Shanghai Howyou Food Science Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201599, China

AbstractThe irradiation dose, the amount of diluted cream and the amount of yogurt essence were taken as single factor objects, respectively processed to produce normal temperature yogurt, and the results were judged by sensory evaluation and the number of lactic acid bacteria. Then, the response surface analysis method was used to get the optimal formula to determine the feasibility of this study. The results showed that the optimal formula was obtained through experiments as follows: irradiation dose 4 kGy, addition of dilute cream 8‰, addition of yogurt essence 0.02‰. The normal temperature yogurt produced according to the optimal formula can meet the requirement of 45 days shelf life. The microbiological and physical and chemical indexes of the product meet the national standards and with desirable taste.

Keywordssingle factor experiment; response surface analysis; irradiation; normal temperature yogurt



基金项目:2019-2021 四川省科技厅科技扶贫(产业类)项目:壤塘县高原牦牛乳制品产业技术集成创新科技扶贫专项(示范







  • 双月刊

  • 四川省经济和信息化厅

  • 四川省食品发酵工业研究设计院有限公司

  • 《食品与发酵科技》编辑部

  • 四川省成都市温江区杨柳东路中段98号

  • 611130

  • 028-82763572

  • ISSN1674-506X

  • CN51-1713/TS

  • 62-247