
娟,周 媛,张晶晶,唐 雯,李彦国,李胜利,张中兴*

(沧州医学高等专科学校,河北沧州 061000



中图分类号:TS213.2   文献标识码:A   文章编号:1674-506X202102-0125-0004

Comparison of Sensory Quality and Nutrients Composition of Ripen Soybean Milk Steamed Bread and Traditional Wheat Flour Steamed Bread

ZHANG Juan, ZHOU Yuan, ZHANG Jing-jing, TANG Wen, LI Yan-guo, LI Sheng-li, ZHANG Zhong-xing*

Cangzhou Medical College, Cangzhou Hebei 061000, China

AbstractIn this paper, soybean and wheat flour were used as the main raw materials to make ripen soybean milk steamed bread. The sensory evaluation and nutrients composition of the standard flour steamed bread and the rich flour steamed bread were compared with the traditional processing technology. The results show that: in the comparison of sensory quality, the total score of sensory quality and odor of three kinds of steamed bread were as follows: ripen soybean milk steamed breadenriched flour steamed breadstandard flour steamed bread, the score of teeth sticking was as follows: ripen soybean milk steamed bread was larger than standard flour steamed bread and enriched flour steamed bread, the score of color was as follows: ripen soybean milk steamed bread and enriched flour steamed bread were larger than standard flour steamed bread, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05); in the comparison of nutrients composition, the content of protein, fat, moisture, ash, total dietary fiber and soybean isoflavone in ripen soybean milk steamed bread were higher than those in standard flour steamed bread and enriched flour steamed bread, However, the energy and carbohydrate content of ripen soybean milk steamed bread was lower than that of standard flour steamed bread and enriched flour steamed bread.

Keywordsripen soybean milk; steamed bread; sensory quality; nutrition composition









  • 双月刊

  • 四川省经济和信息化厅

  • 四川省食品发酵工业研究设计院有限公司

  • 《食品与发酵科技》编辑部

  • 四川省成都市温江区杨柳东路中段98号

  • 611130

  • 028-82763572

  • ISSN1674-506X

  • CN51-1713/TS

  • 62-247