党玉婷1,张 彦1*,井波鑫1,张 寒1,苏晓萌2,柴希艳3,张文学1
(1.西安医学院,西安 710021;2.陕西福禄成工贸有限公司,西安 710032;3.西安雨润百德健康管理有限公司,西安 710065)
中图分类号:S529 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-506X(2024)04-0079-0006
Quality Evaluation of Different Black Beans Based on Principal Component Analysis
DANG Yuting1,ZHANG Yan1*,JING Boxin1,ZHANG Han1,SU Xiaomeng2,CHAI Xiyan3,ZHANG Wenxuel
(1.Xi'an Medical University,Xi'an 710021,China;2.Shaanxi Fulu Cheng Industry and Trade Co.,LTD.,Xi'an 710032,China;3.Xi'an Yurun Baide Health Management Co.,LTD.,Xi'an 710065,China)
Abstract:It was compared that nutritional composition of different varieties of black beans, while the quality evaluation index of black beans was improved, and the varieties suitable for edible and medicinal purposes were defined. It was determined that the contents of total phenolic acid,total flavone,condensed tannin,total anthocyanin, total polysaccharide and total protein in different varieties of black beans, while principal component analysis was applied. The results showed that the single index of the total content of six principal components of black bean varieties was integrated into two principal components. The first principal component was related to the medicinal value, and the second principal component was related to the edible value. Different varieties of black bean have different content of active ingredient. It is speculated that the horse feed beans and small black beans may have more medicinal value than black beans.
Keywords:black bean;active ingredient;principal component analysis
基金项目:陕西省大学生创新创业项目“ 陕北小黑豆对HepG2 酒精性肝损伤细胞的作用与质量标志物的研究”(S202211840071);西安市科技局农业技术研发项目“小黑豆生物活性物质提取及功能性研究”(21NYYF0062);西安医学院校级科技创新团队“血管活性药物筛选及成药性评价创新团队”(2021TD03);陕西省重点研发计划项目“陕西特色黑色杂粮种质特征与加工关键技术研究”(2023-ZDLNY-37)