陈 瑗1,王守琴2,贺巧玲1,2,陈学强1,李 晶1*
(1.四川省食品检验研究院,成都 610000;2.西华大学食品与生物工程学院,成都 610039)
中图分类号:TS261.13 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-506X(2024)04-0085-0007
Overview of the Distribution and Function of Actinomycetes in Baijiu
CHEN Yuan1,WANG Shouqin2,HE Qiaoling1,2,CHEN Xueqiang1,LI Jing1*
(1.Sichuan Food Inspection and Research Institute,Chengdu 610000,China;2.College of Food and Bioengical Engineering,Xihua University,Chengdu 610039,China)
Abstract:Baijiu fermentation is a complex process of a large number of microbial communities working together,and Actinomycetes is one of the functional microorganisms, which is of great significance to the quality and flavor formation of liquor. With the industry's attention to the change of microbial community structure and the metabolism of flavor substances in the process of liquor fermentation, Actinobacteria have been explored more and more. This paper summarized the distribution range of Actinomycetes, its function and influence on the flavor and quality of liquor,and finally points out the defects of Actinobacteria research in liquor brewing,and looks forward to the future research direction.