李建湘,丁红梅*,姜敬维,朱洪日*,韩 辉
中图分类号:R285 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-506X(2025)01-0108-0006
Fatigue Resist Formula Improvement and Its Effect on Mice
LI Jianxiang,DING Hongmei*,JIANG Jingwei,ZHU Hongri*,HAN Hui
(Army Logistics Academy,Chongqing 401331,China)
Abstract: In this article, with Lycium barbarum extract, chitosan oligosaccharide, sea buckthorn extract and ginkgo extract as the research objects, a vacuum machine and a hypobaric oxygen chamber were used to establish a mouse hypoxic fatigue model. Through single factor and orthogonal experiments, the optimal formula addition obtained was Lycium barbarum extract 15 g, chitosan oligosaccharide 17.5 g, sea buckthorn extract 15 g and ginkgo extract 10 g. By feeding with the optimal formula, it was found that compared with the control group the swimming time increased by 1.25 times; through hypoxia and fatigue experiments, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)and superoxide dismutase (SOD) were respectively 1.79 and 1.49 times that of the control group, and liver glycogen content was 1.40 times that of the control group. Blood lactate (BLA) and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) were 0.59 times and 0.84 times that of the control group, respectively, while level of malondialdehyde (MDA) was 0.71 times that of the control group. After conducting a low-pressure oxygen chamber treadmill experiment, it was found that compared to the control group, LDH content increased by 1.75 times, blood oxygen saturation (SaO2) increased by 1.12 times, and BLA was 0.54 times that of the control group. The experiment results indicated that this treatment can prolong the exercise duration of mice in a hypoxic fatigue environment.
Keywords:fatigue resist;hypoxia;function as both medicine and food