
1,岳 3,冯华芳1*,刘青青1,李景明3,兰 1,沈才洪12,曹晓念12*

1.泸州老窖股份有限公司,四川泸州 646000

2.国家固态酿造工程技术研究中心,四川泸州 646000

3.中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院,北京 100083

摘要:罗汉果甜苷作为一种天然安全的甜味来源物质,在食品、日化行业有着广泛的应用。但目前其对基酒的感官影响还不明确,因此本研究对罗汉果甜苷在浓香型白酒基酒中的感官特性进行分析,拓展其在酒类产品中的应用。通过感官实验,采用三点检验、Scheffe成对比较检验、感官强度定量描述方法,对比不同酒精度下,不同添加量的罗汉果甜苷在白酒基酒中感官特性的变化,以确定罗汉果甜苷在白酒基酒中的觉察阈值、舒适度及罗汉果甜苷添加量对基酒的感官影响。结果表明:在不同酒精度基酒中,罗汉果甜苷在42%vol基酒中察觉阈值为1 mg/L;舒适范围为125 mg/L;在52%vol基酒中阈值较高,为2.5 mg/L;舒适范围较小,为2.525 mg/L。罗汉果甜苷在感官中可提高白酒的甜润度,在不影响白酒本身气味的同时,遮盖苦涩等不良风味。


中图分类号:TS262.31   文献标识码:A   文章编号:1674-506X202304-0122-0008

Study on the Sensory Properties of Siraitia grosvenorii Glycosides in Strong-flavor Baijiu Base Liquor

YANG Yong1YUE Ying3FENG Huafang1*LIU Qingqing1LI Jingming3LAN Yu1SHEN Caihong12CAO Xiaonian12*

1.LuzhouLaojiao Co.Ltd.Luzhou Sichuan 646000China

2.National Engineering Technology Research Center of Solid-state BrewingLuzhou Sichuan 646000China

3.College of Food Science and Nutritional EngineeringChina Agriculture UniversityBeijing 100083China

AbstractAs a natural and safe sweetness source substance Siraitia grosvenorii glycosides is widely used in food and daily chemical industries. However, its sensory properties in liquor products have not been determined yet, and the sensory effects on the Baijiu base liquor are not clear. Therefore, this paper analyzed the sensory properties of Siraitia grosvenorii glycosides in strong-flavor Baijiu base liquor to promote its application in liquor products. The sensory characteristics including perceptual threshold, comfort level and sensory effects of different Siraitia grosvenorii glycosides additions in different Baijiu base liquor were analyzed by sensory experiments using three-point test, Scheffe pairwise comparison test and quantitative description methods. The results showed that among different alcoholicity of Baijiu base liquor, the perceptual threshold of Siraitia grosvenorii glycosides in 42%vol Baijiu base liquor was 1 mg/L; the comfort range was 125 mg/L; while these two value were 2.5 mg/L and 2.525 mg/L in 52% vol Baijiu base liquor, respectively. Siraitia grosvenorii glycosides improved the sweetness and moistness of strong-flavor Baijiu base liquor, and masked the bitterness and bad taste without affecting the smell of Baijiu itself.

KeywordSiraitia grosvenorii glycosides; strong-flavor Baijiu; sensory analysis; sweetness










  • 双月刊

  • 四川省经济和信息化厅

  • 四川省食品发酵工业研究设计院有限公司

  • 《食品与发酵科技》编辑部

  • 四川省成都市温江区杨柳东路中段98号

  • 611130

  • 028-82763572

  • ISSN1674-506X

  • CN51-1713/TS

  • 62-247