
1,王 西1,彭 2,赵荣寿1,王超凯2,高占争1,杨靖洲1,李 2*

1.四川郎酒股份有限公司,四川古蔺 6465232.四川省食品发酵工业研究设计院有限公司,四川成都 611130

摘要:为建立窖泥评价标准、提升窖泥品质,本文以不同品质窖泥为研究对象,通过对比其表征指标发现:I级窖泥(优质)有较高的感官得分(7.4)、有机质含量(7.9%)、pH7.6)和产有机酸能力(416.0 mg/g),以及适中的水分含量(39.2%);窖泥微生物多样性结果表明:共检测出42个菌属,微生物多样性随窖泥品质提升显著降低,不同品质窖泥微生物群落结构差异明显。表征指标与微生物群落相关性研究表明:窖泥的水分、pH显著影响窖泥微生物群落结构。窖泥中PetrimonasCaproiciproducensClostridium sensu stricto 125个属与窖泥产有机酸能力呈显著相关;PetrimonasSyntrophomonasLutispora 9个属与窖泥pH呈显著相关。BacillusCaldicoprobacterAnaerosalibacter 14个属受窖泥有机质含量和水分含量影响显著;CaldicoprobacterSedimentibacterAnaerosalibacter6个菌属与窖泥气味感官呈显著相关。


中图分类号:TS262.31TS261.1    文献标识码:A    文章编号:1674-506X202202-0009-0007

Correlation Between Characterization Indexes and Microbial Community of Pit Mud with Different Quality

SHEN Yi1, WANG Xi1, PENG Kui2, ZHAO Rongshou1, WANG Chaokai2, GAO Zhanzheng1, YANG Jingzhou1, LI Mi2*

1.Sichuan Langjiu Co., Ltd., Gulin Sichuan 646523, China;

2.Sichuan Food and Fermentation Industry Research & Design Institute Co., Ltd., Chengdu Sichuan 611130, China

AbstractIn order to establish the evaluation standard of pit mud and improve the quality of pit mudpit mud with different quality were studied as the research object. It was found that by comparing characterization indexesgrade I pit mud (high-quality) had higher sensory score (7.4), organic matter content (7.9%), pH (7.6) and organic acid production capacity (416.0 mg/g), and moderate water content (39.2%); The results of pit mud microbial diversity showed that a total of 42 bacterial genera were detected. The microbial diversity decreased significantly with the improvement of pit mud quality, and the microbial community structure of pit mud with different quality was significantly different. The correlation between characterization indexes and microbial community showed that the water and pH of pit mud significantly affected the microbial community structure of pit mud. The five genera of Petrimonas, Caproiciproducens and Clostridium sensu stricto 12 in pit mud were significantly correlated with the ability of pit mud to produce organic acids; 9 genera such as Petrimonas, Syntrophomonas and Lutispora were significantly correlated with pit mud pH. Bacillus, Caldicoprobacter, Anaerosalibacter and other 14 genera were significantly affected by the organic matter content and water content of pit mud; Caldicoprobacter, Sedimentibacter and Anaerosalibacter were significantly correlated with the odor and sense of pit mud.

Keywordspit mud; characterization; microbial; correlation









  • 双月刊

  • 四川省经济和信息化厅

  • 四川省食品发酵工业研究设计院有限公司

  • 《食品与发酵科技》编辑部

  • 四川省成都市温江区杨柳东路中段98号

  • 611130

  • 028-82763572

  • ISSN1674-506X

  • CN51-1713/TS

  • 62-247