
宁欣强13,彭 微1,丁 威2,吴 宜1,颜克文1,袁 敬1,汪天浩3,唐 棠1*

1.四川轻化工大学生物工程学院,四川宜宾 644000

2.四川轻化工大学化学与环境工程学院,四川自贡 643000

3.四川轻化工大学土木工程学院,四川自贡 643000

摘要:以菌体干物质量为指标,对基于酿酒废水生产热带假丝酵母菌剂发酵工艺条件进行了优化。基于单因素实验,采用响应面法确定了酿酒废水生产热带假丝酵母菌剂最佳发酵工艺条件为:培养pH5.5,摇瓶装液量45 mL/250 mL,培养时间26 h。在此条件下测得菌体干物质量为3.398 3 g/L,与响应面分析模型预测值3.420 0 g/L接近,优化结果对于酿酒废水资源化利用生产热带假丝酵母菌剂具有实际参考价值。通过将最优条件生产的热带假丝酵母进行污泥减量效果评价,结果表明过程污泥浓度、胞外聚合物含量都有显著下降,扫描电镜观察证实污泥的絮体结构被破坏,基于酿酒废水生产热带假丝酵母具有污泥减量应用前景。


中图分类号:X797    文献标识码:A    文章编号:1674-506X202205-0033-0008

Application Evaluation and Optimization of Fermentation Conditionsof Candida tropicalis Based on Liquor-making Wastewater

NING Xinqiang13PENG Wei1DING Wei2WU Yi1YAN Kewen1YUAN Jing1WANG Tianhao3TANG tang1*

1.College of Bioengineering, Sichuan University of Science & Engineering, Yibin Sichuan 644000, China;

2.School of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Sichuan University of Science & Engineering, Zigong Sichuan 643000, China;

3.College of Civil Engineering, Sichuan University of Science & Engineering, Zigong Sichuan 643000, China

AbstractTaking the dry weight of Candida tropicalis as an index, the fermentation conditions from liquor-making wastewater were optimized. Based on the single factor experiment, the response surface methodology was used to determine the optimal fermentation process conditions for the production of Candida tropicalis from liquor-making wastewater:pH 5.5, liquid volume 45 mL/250 mL, culture time 26 h. Under these conditions, dry weight of Candida tropicalis was 3.398 3 g/L, which was close to the predicted value of 3.420 0g/L by response surface analysis model. The optimization results have practical reference value for the utilization of liquor-making wastewater to produce Candida tropicalis. Through the evaluation of the sludge reduction effect of the Candida tropicalis produced under the optimal conditions, the results showed that the sludge concentration and extracellular polymer were significantly decreased. The scanning electron microscope observation confirmed that the floc structure of the sludge was destroyed. The production of Candida tropicalis from liquor-making wastewater has the application prospect in sludge reduction process.

Keywordsliquor-making wastewater; Candida tropicalis; response surface; sludge reduction










  • 双月刊

  • 四川省经济和信息化厅

  • 四川省食品发酵工业研究设计院有限公司

  • 《食品与发酵科技》编辑部

  • 四川省成都市温江区杨柳东路中段98号

  • 611130

  • 028-82763572

  • ISSN1674-506X

  • CN51-1713/TS

  • 62-247