
万 永1,刘青青1,刘小刚1,冯华芳1,周 军1,兰 余1,代 宇1,邓 波1,沈才洪12,曹晓念12*

1.泸州老窖股份有限公司,四川泸州 646000

2.国家固态酿造工程技术研究中心,四川泸州 646000

摘要:对一款以浓香型白酒为酒基的植物类露酒开展为期两年的感官风味与理化变化研究,结果表明:植物类露酒感官上原料香、甜味和柔和度随贮存时间的延长变化较为明显,其中原料香逐渐减弱,在前四个月下降速度最快,下降26.3%;甜味在前两个月有小幅度下降,而后逐渐增加,至第12月累计上升42.9%,之后趋于稳定;柔和度和复合度在前两个月有小幅度下降,而后逐渐增强,强度累计上升15%17%。理化指标中醇类物质比较稳定,醛类物质中乙缩醛含量在2060 mg/L之间波动,变化较大;总酸含量先下降后上升并趋于稳定,由1.1 g/L增加至1.2 g/L;总酯含量先小幅上升而后缓慢下降,下降14.2%,其中四大酯含量在总酯中占比稳定,为97%98%


中图分类号:TS262.8   文献标识码:A   文章编号:1674-506X202206-0095-0006

Study on the Change Law of Flavor and Physicochemical in Lujiu Aging Process

WAN Yong1, LIU Qingqing1, LIU Xiaogang1, FENG Huafang1, ZHOU Jun1, LAN Yu1, DAI Yu1, DENG Bo1, SHEN Caihong12, CAO Xiaonian12*

1.Luzhou Laojiao Co., Ltd., Luzhou Sichuan 646000, China;

2.National Engineering Research Center of Solid-state Brewing, Luzhou Sichuan 646000, China

AbstractA two-year study on sensory flavor and physicochemical changes of a plant-based lujiu based on a Luzhou-flavored baijiu. The results showed that the sensory aroma, sweetness and softness of raw materials in plant-based lujiu are more obvious, and the aroma of raw materials gradually weakened, of which the first four months of the fastest decline, down 26.3%. The sweetness in the first two months of a small decline, and then gradually increased, to the 12th month of the cumulative increase of 42.9% , after the tend to stabilize; Softness and compound in the first two months of a small decline, and then gradually strengthened, the intensity of the cumulative increase of 15%~17%. Alcohols are relatively stable in physics and chemistry, and the acetal content in aldehydes fluctuates between 20~60 mg/L, with large changes. The total acid content increased from 1.1 g/L to 1.2 g/L. During the process, the total acid content decreased first and then increased and stabilized. Total esters rose slightly for a short period of time, followed by a slow decline, down 14.2%. Among them, the content of four major esters is stable in the total ester, which is 97%~98%.

Keywordsluzhou-flavor baijiu; plant-based lujiu; sensoryphysical and chemical; change law










  • 双月刊

  • 四川省经济和信息化厅

  • 四川省食品发酵工业研究设计院有限公司

  • 《食品与发酵科技》编辑部

  • 四川省成都市温江区杨柳东路中段98号

  • 611130

  • 028-82763572

  • ISSN1674-506X

  • CN51-1713/TS

  • 62-247